
Our focus is on providing custom functions that enable spreadsheet users to solve a much broader range of business problems, many of which previously required specialized SaaS or custom developed software.

AI is the driving force behind this, as it enables two key things:

  1. AI Functions. Custom functions that are powered by AI models directly. These can be simple tasks such as translation, e.g. =BOARDFLARE.TRANSLATE(text, source_lang, target_lang), or more complex numerical tasks, e.g. BOARDFLARE.FORECAST(income_stat, balance_sheet, cash_flow) which takes financial results and calculates a forecast.

  2. AI Assistants. AI assistants such as ChatGPT enable end-users to write the code behind custom functions without coding skills. This facilitates the creation of hyper-specialized functions, instead of the end-user having to adapt to the limitations of a generic tool.

Boardflare operates as a virtual team based out of Whistler, Canada. We would love to hear from you.

Whistler Mountain